Process Overview


Click here to register your company. If you are not going to be the administrator of the account please do not register. After registering, you will receive an email to complete the registration process.

You can add a company hierarchy to manage multiple locations and add departments. Also, provide specific instruction and prefill evaluation questions here.

Your account is automatically credited with 2 FREE Medical Evaluations and are categorized as ‘available credits’. Purchase more services as needed; bulk discounts are available.

Once the company account is setup, create user accounts for your employees.

  • Individually: Users can be added individually and is generally utilized for smaller groups or for additional admins. They will receive an email with login info and reminders until completion. (Evaluation and Fit Tester Training)
  • Bulk Entry: Users can be added in a group (except admins). They will receive an email with login info and reminders until completion. (Evaluation Only)
  • Kiosk Mode: Utilized for evaluation users that do not have email addresses or for using a central computer. (Evaluation Only)
  • Access Code: Users can access an evaluation with a code. You will be responsible for distributing the access code and providing the link to the login page. Your logo must be uploaded in order to generate the QR Code and branded Web URL. (Evaluation Only).

Respiratory protection training will activate before the medical evaluation; if selected during the registration process or in settings. When an employee passes an evaluation or fit tester training, they will be emailed a certificate. Evaluations can also be downloaded to Apple / Google wallets.

The supervisor can login to the website at any time to check the status. Check medical evaluations or fit tester training statuses.

Fit tests can be entered in real-time or by bulk entry. Once testing results are saved, view and export records here. Users will be emailed their card and can also save to Apple / Google wallets.